More companies today are embracing a matrix structure-one that rewards collaborators overdone wolves. In a matrix organization, workers frequently have dual reporting relationships as opposed to one based boss and duties are coordinated across departments or groups, as opposed to in a completely vertical arrangement. Additionally, although work associations have resembled a grid, now the matrix structure could be more complicated and appear more like a network or conglomerate.
The matrix has worked well for some of the world’s most successful businesses, including General Electric, Dow Chemical, Procter and Gamble and Cisco. One key benefit is the chance to share expertise and resources more effectively, which can save both money and time. However, this structure is not without its defects.
Set Shared Goals
Working in a matrix requires one to build partnerships with others outside your department or job function. Doing this is in your very best interest and the interest of the whole organization, which is depending on those partnerships to effectively share knowledge and communicating with influence. A matrix cannot work if teams continue to work using a silo mentality, where every section is entirely cantered on its goals and evaluated accordingly. This slows down the whole process and prevents your group from achieving its overall aims.
That is why it is so important to take the time to place shared goals with your matrix spouses until you place them for your particular department. As soon as you have set your department targets, it is more challenging to change your focus to meet the needs of the rest of the organization. Setting shared objectives and then setting departmental goals based on these will ensure your company is working toward a unified vision.
Clarify Roles and Responsibilities
Adopt the fact that a matrix provides more opportunity for collaboration, but do not allow a lot of decision makers to cloud your attention. Have a frank discussion to define the functions required to accomplish your objectives, and set it in writing. With every new project, determine who will have final decision authority. Who will initiate action and organize the work? Whose input has to be collected to ensure the decision maker has all of the relevant information? Who has to be educated after a decision was made? Taking the time to consider these questions and bring everybody into agreement will remove the frustration that can occur when someone is left from an important decision. This will also ensure progress on the job does not get rid of momentum and the best choices are made for the appropriate reasons and that people agree with and support those choices.